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Question Title

* 1. Rate your satisfaction with today:

  Not satisfied satisfied Very satisfied N/A

Question Title

* 2. Rate the pacing of yesterday/today:

  Too slow slow just right fast too fast
Meet and Greet (Sunday at Estebans - Casa Munras)
Educator presentations
Erika Woolsey
Ben Erwin
Geraldine Fauville

Question Title

* 3. Rate each of the following for today:

  Not very .. okay .. very
Relevance to your job
Appropriate for your students
Interesting to you
Useful to you

Question Title

* 4. Rate each of the following for today:

  Not enough just right too much
New learning/new content
New experiences
New teaching resources
Interactions with colleagues
Interactions with presenters

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any comments on any part of the workshop experience:

Question Title

* 6. Thinking about what you can use in your teaching, what about today was MOST USEFUL? And, tell us why.

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about what you can use in your teaching, what about today was LEAST USEFUL? and, tell us why.

Question Title

* 8. Is there anything you need from us that would improve your experience during this workshop?

Question Title

* 9. Please send us an email ( or put into the box below) letting us know what happened in the brainstorm - what would you say was the summary? or what you discussed. You can also include any thoughts that you had but that you didn't  share with us?