AMSB School Climate Assessment Instrument

Dear Students,
We need your help to find out what you like about our school and how we can make it better. Please answer the questions below. This is an anonymous survey. There are not right or wrong answers. We hope that you feel comfortable to answer the questions honestly and show how you really feel about our school. Please complete this survey independently.

Thank you,
Dr. Dellinger and Mr. Doyle

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* 1. Please select your grade level.

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* 2. Please give the current city or town you live in:

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* 3. Please select your appropriate ethnicity:

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* 4. My identified gender is:

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* 5. I like to come to school each day.

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* 6. I feel the students in this school are friendly.

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* 7. I feel physically safe at school.

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* 8. I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and ideas at this school.

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* 9. I feel my peers treat me fairly.

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* 10. I feel the adults in my school treat me fairly.

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* 11. In my school, there are clear rules against physically hurting other people (for example, hitting, pushing, or tripping).

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* 12. I have seen students being physically hurt at school more than once by other students (for example, pushed, slapped, punched, or beaten up).

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* 13. There are groups of students in my school who exclude others and make them feel bad for not being a part of the group.

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* 14. Students at this school will try to stop students from insulting or making fun of others.

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* 15. Students in this school respect each other's differences (for example, gender, race, culture, disability, sexual orientation, learning differences, etc.).

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* 16. My Parents/guardians are made to feel welcome at this school.

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* 17. I have been treated unfairly at school because of my: (check all that apply)

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* 18. I have seen or heard others being treated unfairly at school because of their: (check all that apply)

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* 19. I feel there are trusted adults in the school who I can go to/talk to for help.

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* 20. I feel my trip to and from school is a positive/safe experience.

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* 21. I am involved in extra-curricular activities such as athletics, clubs, activities, school committees.

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* 22. I have been the target of hurtful communications through social media.

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* 23. I have participated in hurtful communications through social media.

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* 24. I have cheated on a test in the past year?

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* 25. If you answered yes to Question 24 please explain how you cheated.

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* 26. Do you feel that there is an area of the school that is not safe? If yes, where?

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* 27. During the past 30 days how carefully did you listen to other people's points of view?

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* 28. During the past 30 days how much did you care about other people's feelings?

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* 29. During the past 30 days how often did you compliment others' accomplishments?

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* 30. During the past 30 days how well did you get along with students who are different from you?

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* 31. During the past 30 days how clearly were you able to describe your feelings?

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* 32. During the past 30 days when others disagreed with you, how respectful were you of their values?

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* 33. During the past 30 days to what extent were you able to stand up for yourself without putting others down?

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* 34. During the past 30 days to what extent were you able to disagree with others without starting an argument?

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* 35. One more thing I would like to say: