Question Title

* 1. Surgeon Name

Question Title

* 2. Approximately how many MIGS procedures do you perform per month?

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* 3. Please select all the MIGS products that you currently use on a regular basis (at least 2 procedures per month):

Question Title

* 4. How would you describe your current usage patterns for MIGS products?

Question Title

* 5. What percentage of your MIGS procedures are stand-alone?

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* 6. Please rank the following considerations in your MIGS selection process: (Please use the arrows to move these in the order of most important to least important)

STREAMLINE® Experience Questions

Question Title

* 7. How important was the skills transfer lab in providing product feel/experience prior to surgery?

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* 8. What could have been done better in the training content/skills transfer lab provided prior to your use of the STREAMLINE® Surgical System?

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* 9. What was the most important aspects of the training to stress as we train other surgeons? (Please use the arrows to move these in the order of most important to least important)

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following items on a scale 1 through 5, with 1 being “VERY UNSATISFIED” and 5 being “VERY SATISFIED” that most accurately reflects your surgical experience with STREAMLINE®:

Comfort of device in my hands
Position and height of actuator button
Pressure required to "click"
Ability to see visual cues from procedure
Confidence in procedural efficacy
Simplicity of Procedure
Device Priming
Visualization During the Procedure

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following value propositions in order of importance: (Please use the arrows to move these in the order of most important to least important)

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* 12. Based on your initial experience, how would you incorporate STREAMLINE® in your usage pattern?

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* 13. Additional comments or suggestions for product improvements: