Question Title

* 1. Do you think an ROI Infographic template would be useful to your library as an advocacy tool?

Question Title

* 2. Which statistics should be included on the infographic? Please rate the following data points based on how important you think it would be to include them.

  Not Important Interesting, but only marginally important Unsure if this would be useful Important, but not vital Very Important - Must be included
Number of student visits
Number of items checked out
Number of items borrowed or loaned (ILL)
Number of items in your collection
Number of electronic resources available
Number of electronic resources used
Number of library classes provided
Number of computers provided by the library
Number of internet sessions provided
Number of computer assistance sessions
Number of reference questions answered
Number of readers advisory sessions
Number of computer assistance sessions

Question Title

* 3. What other types of data would you like to see included?

Question Title

* 4. Additional Comments?