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Saving the Nation from Pandemic 2- Please Help us name this Documentary

There’s an existential threat to the national power grid from an Electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP) or cyberattack from adversaries e.g. Iran, N.Korea or China or a massive solar storm (GMD). With this documentary, we desire to inform, scare, create outrage leading to action, thereby getting our governmental agencies to mandate that our utilities take the required actions to protect us.  To the present, the electric utility industry has only obstructed progress & done little.  Our Defense Department has 'hardened' much of our military systems, but there's been virtually no protection for our civilian power grid.  Congress has conducted multiple hearings on this subject and still  almost nothing substantial has been accomplished. There has been a top commission entitled the EMP Commission that has studied this problem at length and advised Congress for over a decade and our power grid remains at risk of a protracted blackout from an EMP or cyber attack.  This commission found that as many as 90% of Americans could die in an extended blackout lasting 6 - 12 months.

This documentary features many experts such as Newt Gingrich, General Steven Kwast, Ambassador Hank Cooper, Peter Pry, Ted Koppel, Judge Jeanine Pirro and ex-CIA head James Woolsey and has partnership arrangements with two companies that finally give documentaries the ability to make a difference and actually influence public policy. We provide a very “positive & hopeful” aspect to the film in terms of progress being made, ending with a strong ‘call to action’, including providing pre-packaged letters to legislators from each film viewer.  A portion from revenue will support 501(c)(3) organizations to help fight this battle with half being so allocated after a threshold, e.g.  

Question Title

1. Choose your favorite title

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2. This will be a 60-minute documentary, would you watch a 3-minute trailer

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3. If you liked the trailer, would you watch 10 mins of the doc for free

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4. If you liked the 10mins & were asked to pay to finish, including receiving survival prep + being provided a pre-written letter to your legislators & having a donation made to PACs to help execute, would you pay?

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5. If you liked it, would you tell your friends about it

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6. After watching & If you loved the documentary, and were given an option to donate separately to a 503(c)(3) to further support this effort, would you potentially consider a tax deductible donation?

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