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The satisfaction of our members is core to our success - your wellbeing and enjoyment while at Gosford Golf Club is important to us and we encourage members to provide feedback on what we do well, and where we need to improve, and we welcome your input into designing solutions. 

The survey closes on 31 December 2023. We will communicate the results in February 2024. Each member's survey answers are anonymous and each member can complete the survey only once. The survey will take about seven minutes to complete.

Thank you for taking the time to provide input into Gosford Golf Club. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy at marketing@gosfordgolf.com.au

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* 1. Please select

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* 2. Your age group

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* 3. How long have you been a member at Gosford Golf Club

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* 4. Why did you choose to join Gosford Golf Club?

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the value of your membership?

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* 6. Please provide more details about why you are satisfied or dissatisfied.

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* 7. How satisfied are you with the communications and service at the pro-shop, for instance, to advise updates on the course?

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* 8. Please provide details about what you are satisfied or dissatisfied.  

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* 9. How satisfied are you with the golf equipment for sale in the pro-shop?

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* 10. Please provide details about what you are satisfied or dissatisfied with.

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* 11. How satisfied are you with the quality of the course?

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* 12. Please provide details about what you are satisfied or dissatisfied with.

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* 13. Regarding the calendar of match events for the year, would you like to see more variety in the structure of events? Please indicate all that apply below.

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* 14. Much discussion has taken place after the men's and ladies' championships this year about the option of playing the event in winter when the greens are at their quickest. As our greens are winter grass they are best in July/August. Would you rather play your respective club championships in July or August rather than October?

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* 15. Regarding our current standard four-round club championship format, please advise your preference for keeping it the same or moving to the following formats

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* 16. How satisfied are you with the current tee structure for events? For instance, black tees on Saturdays, white tees on Wednesdays, red tees on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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* 17. How satisfied are you with the current booking process

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* 18. Are you aware of upcoming improvements planned for the course?

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* 19. How satisfied are you with the presentation of the clubhouse?