Australian Spearfishing Association Survey

1.Do you believe a new association should be created to represent the interests of Australian Spearfishers?
2.What form of entity should the new Australian Spearfishing Association be? (Can review differences here: Business Structure: Not for Profits and Charities | LegalVision)
3.What key documents would you like to see in the new Australian Spearfishing Association?
4.What issues/opportunities would you like to see explored with any new insurance arrangements for spearfishing?
5.What annual fee would you be happy to pay for national representation of the sport, insurance, and sport coordination?
6.What additional benefits or services would you like the new Australian Spearfishing Association to provide?
7.What are the most important issues the new Australian Spearfishing Association should address? (Select all that apply)
8.How frequently would you like to receive updates from the new Australian Spearfishing Association?
9.How would you prefer to receive communications from the new Australian Spearfishing Association?
10.Do you have any other comments or suggestions for the new Australian Spearfishing Association?