Sudden Death

Please help us better understand how frequent and widespread sudden death is in borzoi by filling out this short survey. Your participation will assist Dr. Meurs and Dr. Gelzer in more accurately evaluating this problem in our breed. Your anonymity will be strictly guarded. We appreciate your time and value your information.

What is sudden death?
For this survey, sudden death describes a type of death that occurs within the time frame of seconds to minutes in a dog that was considered normal up to that moment. Even if heart disease was diagnosed prior to, if no gradual progression or worsening clinical signs were present just prior to the death, it is considered a sudden death.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

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* 1. Have you ever had a borzoi who experienced sudden death in the past 10 years and if so, how many of your dogs experienced this?

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* 2. At what age did each dog experience sudden death?

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* 3. Was the dog diagnosed with heart disease or arrhythmias prior to the sudden death?

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* 4. Did any littermates die of sudden death - if so, how many?

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* 5. Did any other close relatives die of sudden death and if so what is their relationship? You may provide a pedigree with the ancestors circled if you prefer.

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* 6. Are you willing to be contacted for further information/clarification by Drs. Meurs and/or Gelzer? If so, please provide a contact number and/or email address: