Project 419 Survey, May 2016 Question Title * 1. I am A Member of a Presenting Organization (NAIFA, Society of FSP, TEPC, TAPPP) Not a member of any of the above Question Title * 2. Please rate the topics and speakers by marking the appropriate choices: Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Planned Giving Panel Planned Giving Panel Poor Planned Giving Panel Fair Planned Giving Panel Good Planned Giving Panel Excellent Planned Giving Panel Superior Natalie Choate Natalie Choate Poor Natalie Choate Fair Natalie Choate Good Natalie Choate Excellent Natalie Choate Superior Sharon Gaber Sharon Gaber Poor Sharon Gaber Fair Sharon Gaber Good Sharon Gaber Excellent Sharon Gaber Superior Steve Leimberg Steve Leimberg Poor Steve Leimberg Fair Steve Leimberg Good Steve Leimberg Excellent Steve Leimberg Superior Clint Longenecker Clint Longenecker Poor Clint Longenecker Fair Clint Longenecker Good Clint Longenecker Excellent Clint Longenecker Superior Question Title * 3. Which of the above sessions was most beneficial and most applicable to your business? Why? Question Title * 4. How much time did you spend visiting with exhibitors? Less than 15 minutes 15-45 minutes More than 1 hour Did not visit exhibitors Question Title * 5. Should Project 419 be held at a different time of year? If so, what time of year is preferred? Question Title * 6. What are suggestions for speakers and/or topics you would like to see at a future Project 419 event? Question Title * 7. What improvements can be made in future years? Question Title * 8. Any additional comments: Question Title * 9. How did you hear about our event? Question Title * 10. Was this your first visit to the Museum's Peristyle? Yes No Done