Thank you for agreeing to participate. This survey seeks to understand the role of Arts and Cultural Tourism in South Australia, and the opportunities to grow the sector through to the year 2025. When thinking about the Arts and Culture Tourism Strategy, it is important to keep in mind that this is specifically about the role of Arts and Culture in a tourism context. This means the focus is on activity within the Arts and Culture sector that drive visitor expenditure specifically.

Before filling out the survey you may wish to review a short presentation that provides context on the aims and objectives of the Strategy.

More broadly, the South Australian Visitor Economy Sector Plan, launched in 2019, guides the development of tourism in South Australia for the coming decade and will be used as the strategic framework for the Arts and Cultural Tourism Strategy. You can view the sector plan here:

Depending on your level of feedback it will take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.

If you would prefer to provide feedback in an email, please send it to the South Australian Tourism Commission directly using