2018 Region H Mitigation Plan Public Input 2018 Region H Mitigation Plan Survey Question Title * 1. What County and Jurisdiction do you live in? Question Title * 2. In 2014, the Region consisting of Allen, Bourbon, Chautauqua, Crawford, Cherokee, Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Neosho, Montgomery, Wilson, and Woodson Counties, the planning committee determined that the hazards listed below are of significance to the area. Please indicate the level of risk, or extent of potential impacts, in the Region, that you perceive for each hazard. Neglibible limited Moderate Critical Catastrophic Tornado Tornado Neglibible Tornado limited Tornado Moderate Tornado Critical Tornado Catastrophic Winter Storm Winter Storm Neglibible Winter Storm limited Winter Storm Moderate Winter Storm Critical Winter Storm Catastrophic Flood Flood Neglibible Flood limited Flood Moderate Flood Critical Flood Catastrophic Windstorm Windstorm Neglibible Windstorm limited Windstorm Moderate Windstorm Critical Windstorm Catastrophic Utility/Infrastructure Failure Utility/Infrastructure Failure Neglibible Utility/Infrastructure Failure limited Utility/Infrastructure Failure Moderate Utility/Infrastructure Failure Critical Utility/Infrastructure Failure Catastrophic Wildfire Wildfire Neglibible Wildfire limited Wildfire Moderate Wildfire Critical Wildfire Catastrophic Hailstorm Hailstorm Neglibible Hailstorm limited Hailstorm Moderate Hailstorm Critical Hailstorm Catastrophic Drought Drought Neglibible Drought limited Drought Moderate Drought Critical Drought Catastrophic Extreme Temperatures Extreme Temperatures Neglibible Extreme Temperatures limited Extreme Temperatures Moderate Extreme Temperatures Critical Extreme Temperatures Catastrophic Major Disease Outbreak Major Disease Outbreak Neglibible Major Disease Outbreak limited Major Disease Outbreak Moderate Major Disease Outbreak Critical Major Disease Outbreak Catastrophic Question Title * 3. In the Region, the planning committee has determined that a Flood event is the third most critical hazard. How important is it to you that your community participate or continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program? Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important No Opinion Question Title * 4. Funding request for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds are currently reviewed initially by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management. Listed below are their current funding priorities. Please check those that could benefit your community. Power Line Upgrades Acquisition/Demolition/Elevation of Flood Prone Properties Community Shelters, Shelters for Schools and Public Buildings Protection of Critical Facilities Question Title * 5. Have you had an opportunity to read your current Hazard Mitigation Plan? Yes No Did not know we had one Question Title * 6. Do you know where the mitigation plan can be found for your county if you wanted to look at it? yes no Question Title * 7. Your input is valuable to this planning process. Please comment on any other issues that the planning committee should consider in developing a strategy to reduce future losses caused by natural hazard events. Question Title * 8. Do you have any mitigation projects you would like to see implemented and what are they? Done