Dear student.

Welcome to the questionnaire page. Read the questions carefully and answer as many of them as you can so the study will give a reliable insight into your career choices. 
You answer some of the questions by checking one of the choices given (like in the first question here below) but others  you answer by writing a reply. 
As we emphasized on the introductory page you do not have to participate in this study and you can leave whenever you want to.

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1. To what extent do you like attending school?

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2. To what extent do you think that what you are learning now in school will be useful in your future occupation?

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3. To what extent do you think schooling after high school will be useful for you in the future?

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4. Besides school, do you work for pay now? (do not count work during holidays e.g. summer holidays).

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5. What are you going to do within the next year?

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6. What kind of education are you interested in getting in the future? (give as exact description as you can).

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7. When did you first think about entering a particular occupation as your future occupation?

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8. What occupation are you most interested in entering as your future occupation?

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9. What kind of job would be your favorite job in the future even though it may not exist today.

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10. Have you ever tried to get information about a job, you are considering as your future occupation, from a person who is already in that job?

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11. Other people have better ideas than myself about the best future education or occupation for me.

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12. When choosing a future job the salary is an important consideration.

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13. Are you:

Thank you for your participation in this study.