OKI Conference on Freight Lightning Talk Submission Form |
September 7, 2023
Freight Lightning Talk
Speaker Submission Form
For additional conference info, click here.
Inspired by the world-renowned TED Talks, on Thursday, September 7th at the conference’s noon lunch session, five presenters will be selected to enlighten us with a Freight Lightning Talk!
Instead of giving a long, broad presentation, each presenter will be limited to exactly 5 minutes!
It will be a fun and challenging opportunity to share what’s going on in your “freight” world. Freight Lightning Talk topics can be on anything* – all we ask is that the topic is somehow related to Freight.
As an extra incentive, OKI will provide each of the five selected Freight Lightning Talk presenters one full registration** to the 2024 Ohio Conference on Freight in Cleveland.
As an extra incentive, OKI will provide each of the five selected Freight Lightning Talk presenters one full registration** to the 2024 Ohio Conference on Freight in Cleveland.
For topic ideas, keep in mind what TED stands for (Technology, Entertainment, Design) and the three things that nearly all TED Talk speakers have in common:
· Be of service
· Be present
· Be Yourself and have fun!
Selections will be made to prioritize having five diverse topics provided by five dynamic public speakers.
*Presenters that promote the use or purchase of a specific product, company or service will not be considered.
*Presenters will not be considered that discriminate in any manner to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age and/or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
** This extra Freight Lightning Talks’ incentive has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Selections will be made to prioritize having five diverse topics provided by five dynamic public speakers.
*Presenters that promote the use or purchase of a specific product, company or service will not be considered.
*Presenters will not be considered that discriminate in any manner to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age and/or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
** This extra Freight Lightning Talks’ incentive has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.