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* 1. Did your high school counselor and the adult high school teacher correctly identify the appropriate classes you need for graduation?

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* 2. Did your high school counselor and the adult high school teacher thoroughly explain the process for admission to adult high school?

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* 3. How high are the expectations for students at adult high school?

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* 4. Do you understand the process of earning a credit?

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* 5. Do you receive help when you need it in a timely manner?

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* 6. How comfortable do you feel using Odyssey Ware to earn a credit?

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* 7. How is the school environment different from other schools you have attended?

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* 8. How confident are you that you will complete your credits and graduate from adult high school?

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* 9. Anser this questions be discussing the things you like about adult high school or things you would improve.