Bridgeport ELEMENTARY Student Survey

Please take a moment to complete each question.

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* 1. The school is a friendly place.

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* 2. The school is clean.

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* 3. The school is a good place to learn.

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* 4. The teachers at school are kind.

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* 5. The secretaries and nurse are kind.

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* 6. The custodians are kind.

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* 7. The bus drivers are kind.

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* 8. The cooks are kind.

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* 9. The principal is kind.

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* 10. The other kids at school are kind.

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* 11. The teachers want me to do my best.

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* 12. The teachers let me know when I do good things.

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* 13. I have a lot of friends at school.

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* 14. Students are kind to each other.

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* 15. Students work well together.

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* 16. I know what to do in case of a school emergency.

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* 17. The school is a safe place.

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* 18. I have been bullied by other students.

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* 19. I have seen other students being bullied.

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* 20. I have been bullied by an adult at school.

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* 21. I have seen students being bullied by an adult at school.

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* 22. I have bullied someone at school.

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* 23. School discipline is fair.