We would like your opinion regarding certain aspects of fleet management. The estimated time to complete this survey is 3 minutes. Question Title * 1. How many assets do you have using meter readings (measured use by miles or hours)? 1-25 25-50 50-100 More than 100 Question Title * 2. Do you currently use a FMIS (Fleet Management Information System)? If so, how satisfied are you with it? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A (10 being the most satisfied) (10 being the most satisfied) 1 (10 being the most satisfied) 2 (10 being the most satisfied) 3 (10 being the most satisfied) 4 (10 being the most satisfied) 5 (10 being the most satisfied) 6 (10 being the most satisfied) 7 (10 being the most satisfied) 8 (10 being the most satisfied) 9 (10 being the most satisfied) 10 (10 being the most satisfied) N/A Question Title * 3. If not, would you like to have a way to manage your vehicles and equipment? Yes No Question Title * 4. Are you considering adding alternative fuel or electric vehicles as you retire existing fleet vehicles? If so, when? Question Title * 5. If so, how valuable would it be if you could have a report showing the infrastructure needed to support your growing alternative fuel and/or electric fleet? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A (10 being the most valuable) (10 being the most valuable) 1 (10 being the most valuable) 2 (10 being the most valuable) 3 (10 being the most valuable) 4 (10 being the most valuable) 5 (10 being the most valuable) 6 (10 being the most valuable) 7 (10 being the most valuable) 8 (10 being the most valuable) 9 (10 being the most valuable) 10 (10 being the most valuable) N/A Question Title * 6. How are you determining vehicle and equipment replacement? Question Title * 7. How valuable would you consider a software that would provide a variety of data driven reports that showed the optimal time to replace your assets? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 being the most valuable) (10 being the most valuable) 1 (10 being the most valuable) 2 (10 being the most valuable) 3 (10 being the most valuable) 4 (10 being the most valuable) 5 (10 being the most valuable) 6 (10 being the most valuable) 7 (10 being the most valuable) 8 (10 being the most valuable) 9 (10 being the most valuable) 10 Question Title * 8. How important would it be to your operation if you could forecast your replacement budget over the next ten years? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 being the most important) (10 being the most important) 1 (10 being the most important) 2 (10 being the most important) 3 (10 being the most important) 4 (10 being the most important) 5 (10 being the most important) 6 (10 being the most important) 7 (10 being the most important) 8 (10 being the most important) 9 (10 being the most important) 10 Question Title * 9. How useful would it be if you could run detailed reports (with just one click) that showed the replacement budget needed for each asset by class or department? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 being the most useful) (10 being the most useful) 1 (10 being the most useful) 2 (10 being the most useful) 3 (10 being the most useful) 4 (10 being the most useful) 5 (10 being the most useful) 6 (10 being the most useful) 7 (10 being the most useful) 8 (10 being the most useful) 9 (10 being the most useful) 10 Question Title * 10. How vital would it be to your operation if you could forecast climbing maintenance costs, decreasing depreciation values and increasing maintenance cost on each asset in your fleet and on an annual basis up to ten years? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10 being the most vital) (10 being the most vital) 1 (10 being the most vital) 2 (10 being the most vital) 3 (10 being the most vital) 4 (10 being the most vital) 5 (10 being the most vital) 6 (10 being the most vital) 7 (10 being the most vital) 8 (10 being the most vital) 9 (10 being the most vital) 10 Question Title * 11. Contact information (optional) Name Company Email Address Phone Number Thank You! Done