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* 1. In what general category does your business fall?

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* 2. What is the current stage of your business?

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* 3. For how many years has your business been operating?

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* 4. Which of the following categories best describes your business' revenue for the past fiscal year?

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* 5. Excluding yourself, roughly how many full-time employees currently work for your organization?

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* 6. Please check all that apply to your business.

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* 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Select up to three areas that you would like assistance / education in.

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* 8. MARKETING - Select up to three areas that you would like assistance / education in.

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* 9. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT / OPERATIONS- Select up to three areas that you would like assistance / education in.

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* 10. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT - Select up to three areas that you would like assistance / education in.

Want to think about your business from a strategic and systematic perspective? Start by rating your current situation by answering yes or no to the following questions. In the MASTER CLASS you will get the information you need to power through these obstacles.

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* 11. I have a clear 1, 3, & 5 year vision for my business.

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* 12. I have identified measurable goals that support my business vision.

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* 13. I am effective with my time management and understand where I fit best in my company.

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* 14. I am able to transform problems and frustrations into opportunities.

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* 15. I am able to balance my work, family, personal and spiritual life.

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* 16. I am confident about our cash flow and capital, my business will be around for a while.

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* 17. Most of our company systems are documented and organized.

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* 18. My business does not depend on a few key team members for its success.

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* 19. My team delivers consistent results for our clients.

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* 20. My team and I are clear about “how we do it here.”

Thank you for your feedback. We look forward to serving you and helping your entrepreneurial dreams become reality.