Scribbles Readers Survey SUMMER 2020

1.Pick only one, what is your #1 favourite Scribbles feature?
2.Of the remaining features, pick another that you also enjoy
3.Now be honest, there must be something on Scribbles you don't read. Select the feature you most often skip over.
4.In Scribbles SIDEBAR we have several features. Pick the ONE you check out the most
5.Of the remaining SIDEBAR sections, pick another that you also enjoy
6.Do you actually look at the sidebar area or do you just look at the new posts section? 
7.In the past year or two, what was the post you remember and enjoyed the most 
8.Tell us, what is your favourite Scribbles Video EVER (if you don't remember the title, just describe it)
9.When do you visit Scribbles? 
10.Scribbles has been around for 41 years now. Tell us how many years have you been a Scribbles fan.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered