The Accessible Canada Act requires West Central Pelleting Ltd. (WCP) to publish an Accessibility Plan. The goal of the Act is to make Canada more accessible for people disabled by barriers categorized into seven major areas: employment, built environment, information & communication technologies, communication, procurement of goods, services & facilities, design & delivery of programs & services, and transportation.

Feedback about WCP's accessibility is to be collected from employees, customers and stakeholders.

All feedback from the survey will be kept private and confidential by WCP.

Question Title

* 1. Do you identify as a person with a disability?

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* 2. If you answered yes to question #1, what type of disability do you have? (Please check all that apply)

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* 3. What has been your general experience, positive and/or negative, about WCP's accessibility?

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* 4. Employment barriers are characteristics that may hinder a person's hiring, promotion or participation in the workforce (ex: making an assumption that a person cannot perform certain kinds of work because of a disability).

Are you aware of or have experienced any employment barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 5. Built environment barriers prevent people from accessing physical buildings, workspaces, facilities and services (ex: parking spaces that are too narrow to accommodate people who use wheelchairs).

Are you aware of or have experienced any built environment barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 6. Information & communication technology barriers prevent people with disabilities from accessing information using every technology (ex: electronic documents that do not include accessibility features such as alternative text or text-to-speech).

Are you aware of or have experienced any information and communication technology barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 7. Communication barriers are obstacles a person may face when attempting to communicate with another person clearly and effectively (ex: holding a meeting in a room that is subject to excessive background noise, preventing attendees from hearing others speak).

Are you aware of or have experienced any communication barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 8. Procurement of goods, services & facilities barriers refer to the act of purchasing, and the evaluation process leading up to the purchase, of equipment, supplies, services or properties for business purposes with little consideration for accessibility (ex: ordering office chairs without determining if they meet the ergonomic requirements of a physically disables person).

Are you aware of or have experienced any procurement of goods, services and facility barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 9. Design & delivery of programs & services barriers unintentionally result in people receiving unequal access or being excluded from participating in services or programs (ex: providing only one method of accessibility for online training without considering other features such as large print, closed captions, etc.).

Are you aware of or have experience any design & delivery of programs & services barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 10. Transportation barriers may hinder people with disabilities from receiving equal access to transportation services (ex: a lift or ramp missing from a public mode of transportation, like a bus).

Are you aware of or have experienced any transportation barriers at WCP?

Question Title

* 11. Additional comments regarding accessibility at WCP: