Feedback survey for attendees - workshops and/or luncheon

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* 1. First and last name (leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)

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* 2. Email address (not mandatory)

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* 3. Did you attend on behalf of a business?

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* 6. Did you establish new business contacts from this event?

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* 7. Which workshop did you attend? (if applicable)

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* 8. If you attended a workshop, did you find the speaker engaging and/or informative?

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* 9. Do you think the speaker, Michael Clarke, suited the event?

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* 10. What was your favourite part of the overall conference event?

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* 11. How could we have improved your Business Conference Series experience?

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* 12. How satisfied were you with the event program?

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* 13. How satisfied were you with the venue (Eatons Hill Hotel)?

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* 14. Do you think you would attend a similar B2B event in the future?

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* 15. How did you hear about the Business Moreton Bay Region Conference Series?

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* 16. Please provide any suggestions, comments, or feedback about your experience at the Business Moreton Bay Region Conference Series - 26 October, 2018 event

Event delivered by Moreton Bay Region Industry & Tourism in partnership with Moreton Bay Regional Council.

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