Youth group 3

1.I feel like I'm missing something on Sunday. Our 9:45am Sunday school always has a low attendance, but I see youth in worship. If we had a separate youth worship experience in the youth room during the modern service (10:30am), would you attend?
2.During our Wednesday night dinner worship, we offer activities for all ages including middle school/high school. This also tends to have a low attendance, unless we're having a special activity outside of the church. If we had a night that was specifically for the youth, what night/time would you prefer?
3.When planning an outing, I try to take requests on places to go. We also do these on a Wednesday evening. Is there a better night to have these? If so, when?
4.For our monthly outings, what places would you like to go (local please)
5.If you haven't signed up for the summer mission trip to Pittsburgh, are you interested?
6.Will you be able to attend the planning meeting for our youth service? The planning meeting will be on Sunday, January 8th after the modern service (about 11:30am). Pizza will be served.
7.If you can't attend the planning meeting, would  you still like to be a part of the youth service on Sunday, February 19th (combined service at 10am)? We're planning on using videos as well, so you wouldn't have to be there in  person.