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Plant Waste

The Cannabis Alliance Sustainability Committee is working on an initiative to streamline plant waste regulation for the purpose of minimizing organic matter in landfills.  We want to hear how you are managing your plant waste.  Please take a few minutes and let us know with this short survey.

Sections provided by Washington State Department of Ecology, Snohomish County Health District, Tacoma-Pierce
County Health District, and Public Health – Seattle and King County

Businesses will generate wastes that classify as solid waste, compostable organic waste, or dangerous waste.
It is the responsibility of the business owner / operator to evaluate their waste to determine its classification
and proper management. If it designates as a dangerous waste, specific requirements for storage and disposal will apply (WAC 173-303).

Waste management is regulated by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), via WAC 173-
350 (Solid Waste Handling Standards) and WAC 173-303 (Dangerous Waste Regulations). Your county’s Local
Health Jurisdiction enforces our state’s Solid Waste Handling Standards. Contact their Environmental Health
Division’s solid waste section for assistance regarding solid waste and composting options. Ecology offers
tools and guidance for assisting businesses with dangerous waste questions. Resources are listed in the Resource Section of this document.

• Plant Waste: Compostable Waste and Non-Compostable Waste

Ensure all compostable waste generated by a business operation and managed by a municipality is on a
commercial account.

All parts of the cannabis plants (including root balls, planting medium, stems, branches, leaves, trim, etc.) that
contain less than 10% THC may be disposed pursuant to WAC 314-55-097, and after providing the WSLCB
traceability system 72-hour notice, as either compostable waste or non-compostable waste:

1) Compostable Waste: Dispose by grinding the cannabis plant waste 50/50 by volume with non-cannabis
compostable waste, e.g., food waste or yard waste and then disposing at a permitted solid waste facility for
composting. Additionally other organic waste methods (for example, anaerobic digestion) may allow the
following types of waste materials to be mixed with the cannabis plant waste: food waste, yard waste, and
vegetable-based grease or oils. Check with the solid waste section of the local health jurisdiction for approved facilities.


2) Non-compostable Waste: Dispose by grinding the cannabis plant waste 50/50 by
volume with non-cannabis non-compostable waste, e.g., paper, plastic, and dispose
to a permitted solid waste facility for final disposition, including landfills, permitted incinerators or other facilities with prior local health approval. Check with the solid waste
section of the local health jurisdiction for approved facilities.
If cannabis waste (i.e., cannabis extraction pulp) was processed using steam, ice water
or carbon dioxide, it may be managed as compostable organic waste or as solid waste.
See the sections above for guidance.
If concentrated cannabis waste, such as extracted THC, contains 10% or greater
THC, it must managed as a dangerous waste that is toxic. These wastes may be tested
to show they are not toxic using the Methods 80-12, if the analytical test shows the
wastes are non-toxic they will not be considered dangerous waste.

Question Title

* 1. How do you currently dispose of your plant waste?

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* 2. What is your average canopy size over the course of the year?

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* 3. How many pounds of plant waste do you generate over the course of the year?

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* 4. Would you consider selling plant materials like rootballs and leaves to non regulated markets if allowed to do so?

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* 5. Since plant waste tests below .3% THC, should plant waste be unregulated to allow for more sustainable disposal solutions like composting and other methods?

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* 6. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 7. Please Supply Your Name and Company

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