Survey Results will be used to Plan and Recruit Speakers for AORN Echapter Webinar Offerings 2020

This survey will hopefully take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete, as we are attemtping to accomplish several goals with this format, which we mentioned in the email with the link to the survey.

This is meant to be a productive survey - please provide constructive responses to aid in building a plan that incorporates member needs.

Question Title

* 1. What topics would you like presented as webinars in 2020 and/or in the future from AORN Education E-Chapter? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
(If/When possible, please put specifics as to what you want in the comments section, if you selected a broad topic, but have a specific want).

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* 2. Please specify or describe the education you would like to see specifically if not fully explained in your selections above.

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* 3. If there are any items you would like to see in the education, that are not listed or included in the above options, please list and describe those suggestions you have in the comment box below, with specifics, for possible inservices.

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* 4. What is the best way to inform or notify you of webinars or other opportunities from the AORN Education E-Chapter? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

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* 5. Are you currently receiving emails, about the webinars, from AORN Echapter?

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* 6. Do you find the monthly Email Blasts with the Webinar invite and information helpful to you?

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* 7. Please provide introductory (First and last name and position/role/title) and contact information (phone number, email, etc.) you would prefer we use to notify you below:
(We will not distribute this information outside the AORN Committee. This information is strictly for our committee  and committee activities for education, to assure we have accurate contact information for our members, which in turn helps us to make sure CE Certificates are getting to the correct individuals. Also, adding this information to our member list and making sure the correct addresses are included in the email distribution list, will assist in accurate and timely notifications for you in the future of our educational offerings).

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to actively participate on the AORN Education E-Chapter Committee??
This would require participation in the monthly meetings, assisting with some of the committee tasks and/or you might be interested in a leadership role on the committee (such as, Secretary, Chair, etc).

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* 9. Would you be willing to be a guest speaker for an AORN Education E-chapter Webinar in the future??
Do you know or have any suggestions of who would be a good speaker and/or willing to speak as a webinar guest/content expert??

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* 10. Is there anything we forgot to cover with our survey questions?? If you think so, please provide your input below.