How was your experience with IMS? 
This survey takes only 8 minutes or less to complete. Your feedback and input play a vital role in enhancing our products and services, allowing us to provide better user experiences. For your peace of mind, we guarantee that your responses will stay confidential. We truly appreciate your participation.

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* 1. How effective is IMS in meeting your needs?

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* 2. How likely are you to recommend IMS to a friend or colleague?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with our support services?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with your account manager?

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* 5. Would additional training help improve your clinic flow?

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* 6. Which products do you think are the most valuable to your practice? (You can select multiple products)

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* 7. For each product you selected in the previous question, could you please share specific reasons or features that you find most valuable in your practice? Feel free to provide detailed insights in the comment box below each selected product.

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* 8. What improvements, if any, would you like to suggest to these products? Enter your suggestions in the box below the product:

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* 9. Are there any features you believe are missing from IMS?

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* 10. Share any additional comments or unresolved issues we can help address

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* 11. Did you attend UGM 2023?

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* 12. Can we contact you to follow up on these responses?

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* 13. Name

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* 14. Client ID/Practice Name

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* 15. Email

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* 16. Role in Practice