CRS is looking for your feedback about our future

Determining the direction CRS needs to take WWII Online is clear that we need to modernize our technology and get with the times. To do that effectively we want to ask you some questions to incorporate that information to our development planning.

Please remember that these below outcomes may not represent the final result / options, as investigation(s) are still underway . This survey is purely intended to gather your feedback and determine what the overall community is seeking for our future path.

Your participation here is important, please complete all answers and think carefully of your selections. S!

Question Title

* 1. Tell us a little about you

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* 2. Are you a premium or starter subscriber?

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* 3. How long have you been a subscriber?

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* 4. Decision point: Game engine selection, what is most valuable to you? (Assume our team can only do "ONE" effectively)

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* 5. Would you support us as a monthly hero ($29.99/mo) for a minimum of 2 full years to achieve one of these outcomes? [increased developer staffing]

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* 6. Would you also contribute towards focused initiatives (like Indiegogo) to bolster development efforts as they are required?

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* 7. Would you be excited to participate in the development process of WWII Online 2.0? (2+ Years to minimum viable product)

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* 8. Do you believe CRS/WWII Online needs to do something significant to stay relevant in today's market?

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* 9. Was there any information you wanted to share with CRS directly?

Cornered Rat Software would like to thank you for your support, and we appreciate the time you've taken to complete this important survey. We are actively thinking about our future and we'd like to make sure your voice is heard. We are counting on your support for either option as the time comes, WWII Online is dear to us and together we can achieve many more years forward.

If you would like to contact the President of the game for a continued discussion, please contact:
Matt "XOOM" Callahan at: xoom@corneredrats.​com

S! And thanks for your support.