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* 1. How many events have you attended at the Kauffman Center?

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* 2. How long did you stay at the festival?

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* 3. Did you come to see someone you know perform?

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* 4. How many people were in your party?

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* 5. Please rate your overall experience.

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* 6. Have you attended Future Stages Festival in the past?

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* 7. Would you recommend Future Stages Festival to a friend?

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* 8. Where did you hear about today's festival? Check all that apply.

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* 9. What did you like most about the festival?

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* 10. What did you like least about the festival? Please share any feedback on possible improvements.

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* 11. Please include any other Future Stages Festival feedback that you would like to share with us. If you would like to be contacted regarding your comments, please provide your name, email address and telephone number.

Optional: The Kauffman Center is a not-for-profit organization. Many of our sponsors and funders want to know that we reach a diverse audience. If you feel comfortable, please respond to the following questions.

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* 12. Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?

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* 13. Please indicate your ethnicity.

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* 14. Zip code of your primary residence