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Welcome, and Thank You

We continue to discern the best time to move forward with the next major step in the process that will lead to the discernment, call, election, consent, and ordination of our next diocesan bishop. This survey is to see what may have changed since the survey we conducted about a year ago, and to hear your thoughts on our readiness as a diocese for the next step in our search process. Your input is very important to us. This brief survey will only take a few minutes of your time. THANK YOU! Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your role in the Diocese of Southern Ohio? (Please select one)

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* 2. In which region of the Diocese of Southern Ohio do you practice your Episcopal faith? (please select one)

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* 3. Diocesan leaders have the information, skills, and support they need to launch a successful search for our next Bishop. (please select one)

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* 4. The Diocese provides church leaders with the information and support they need to work during a challenging time. (please select one)

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* 5. Diocesan issues related to Bishop Breidenthal’s resignation have been adequately addressed. (please select one)

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* 6. Opportunities for Diocesan members to provide feedback regarding important issues have improved. (please select one)

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* 7. I feel the level of trust in the Diocese is sufficient to begin the search for our next Bishop. (please select one)

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to share with the Standing Committee? (please share briefly)

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