About the Project

Case-based education is a great way you to see theory put into practice and to test your problem-solving and decision-making skills in complex and ambiguous scenarios.  

If you have a diabetes education (DSMES) or diabetes prevention (DPP) case study that you would like to submit for inclusion in AADE CaseShare, please read the requirements below and use the template provided to submit your case study and case team information.

Writing teams should represent a range of professions and practice experience common to DSMES and DPP.  Teams should of consistent 3-5 individuals (3 minimum/5 maximum) including at least one nurse, dietitian, or pharmacist, as well as other diabetes educators, diabetes paraprofesssionals, or DPP lifestyle coaches. 

Each team will designate a Primary Contact with whom we can communicate.  It is the responsibility of the Primary Contact to share information from AADE with the other team members. 

Case studies will be reviewed by the Education Committee, using the following criteria:

Writing team composition meets the requirements stated above
  • Case focus is DSMES or DPP
  • Originality and complexity of case 

If your case is selected for inclusion in AADE CaseShare, each member of the writing team will be listed as a case study author.  By submitting a case study to AADE CaseShare, all members of the case writing team (CWT) agree that the case study shall be considered a work made for hire, and all rights in and to the work produced by the CWT, including copyright therein in the United States and throughout the world, shall belong solely to the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). The CWT acknowledges that he/she has no right in or to any material created or supplied and that the AADE shall have the sole and exclusive right to publish, print, distribute, and sell the case study produced throughout the world, and all rights in and to all revisions or versions of subsequent editions of the case study in all languages and media throughout the world.
For selected cases, all members of the CWT will need to complete biographical and conflict of interest forms, as well as sign a work-for-hire agreement. The CWT will need to follow the case study guidelines, respond to any queries and address suggestions from the Education Committee and submit a final draft of the case. 
Cases abstracts must be submitted through this Survey Monkey link.  We will notify the Primary Contact for all CWT whether or not your case has been accepted, and provide next steps in the process.  The CWT Primary Contact can expect to hear from us within 3 weeks of submitting the case study abstract.

Share your experience and lessons learned with other diabetes educators and lifestyle coaches!  Submit a case abstract.  Click for a pdf of the information you will need to provide when you submit you case.