Quitman County School District
FY18 Personnel Survey for Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Dear Staff:
Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.  We value your feedback in our annual needs assessment process.  Responses will be summarized and analyzed in order to plan for the next fiscal year.  The estimated time to complete the survey is between 3-5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. The following best describes my role: (Please select all applicable answer).

Question Title

* 2. I also work with the following students: (Please select all applicable answers).

Question Title

* 3. Rate each area on the level at which targeted professional development would enhance your capacity to support students.  (ADP=Advanced Professional Development; IPD=Introductory Professional Development; N/A=Professional Development Not Applicable)

Students with Disabilities
English Learners
Gifted & Talented Students
Migrant Students
Response to Intervention
Early Childhood Students (Ages 0-8)
Student Supports and Intervention Programs, i.e. PBIS; Mindset
Classroom Management
English/Language Arts
Social Science
Foreign Language
Fine Arts
Health and Physical Education

Question Title

* 4. Rate each area on the level at which you perceive its current effectiveness. (PD=Professional Development; P=Personnel; F=Factors that impact the learning and work environment)

  VE= Very Effective E= Effective SE= Somewhat Effective NE= Not Effective N/A = Don't Know/Not Applicable
PD-Professional Development for Student Support and Intervention Programs
PD-High Quality, Evidence-Based Professional Development on Content and Pedagogy
PD-High Quality, Evidence-Based Professional Development on Leadership
PD-Personalized Professional Development Opportunities
PD-Method(s) of Providing Professional Development Opportunities (Job-embedded/Coaching, PLCs, Virtual, Consultants, etc.)
PD-High Quality Professional Development Materials
PD-Ongoing Support for Professional Development Implementation
P-Recruiting through Teacher and Leader Preparation Programs
P-Recruiting through Advertising (Websites, Publications, Radio, TV, Social media, Other Media)
P-Recruiting through Recruitment Fairs
P-Providing Job-Embedded Support for Teachers:  mentors/Induction Activities
P-Providing Job-Embedded Support for Teachers: Support Staff (Academic Coaches, PD Staff, Teacher Support Specialists)
Providing Job-Embedded Supports for School Leaders:  Mentors/Induction Activities
P-Maintaining a Positive School Climate
P-Retaining Effective Teachers
P-Retaining Effective School Leaders
P-Providing Advancement and Professional Growth Opportunities (Endorsements, Leadership Academies)
P-Providing Financial Incentives (linked to student progress & performance evaluations)
F-Ensuring Balance and/or Strategically Scheduled Class Sizes that Support Student Achievement and Equitable Opportunities
F-Ensuring Highly Effective and Experienced Teachers are Equitably Distributed Across Content Courses and Grade Levels
F-Ensuring Students (especially poor and minority) are Not Assigned to Inexperienced, Ineffective Teachers for Two Consecutive Grade Levels or Content Courses
F-Assigning Teachers Courses that are In-Field for their Professional Qualifications (Certifications or, if waived, Degree, Testing, Coursework)
F-Providing Students with Access to and Enrollment in Appropriate Supports and Interventions for Challenges that Impact Student Achievement
F-Prioritizing Local, State, and Federal funds in a way that is Equitable, Promotes Student Achievement and is Fiscally Responsible.