It is the 21st birthday for the btTB-GBTA Annual Conference and we really want to shake the program up, making it more dynamic, interactive and relevant than ever before. Your answers to this brief survey will assist us to deliver that and provide attendees with the best and most useful event experience in our long history.

If you have more suggestions that you would like to make that there is not room on the form for or that you would like to discuss, please email  with the information or requesting to set up a call to discuss.

Question Title

* 1. What are the top four topics that you would most like to see addressed on the program?

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* 2. Do you have any suggestions for potential speakers, facilitators or other contributors to the program? This may include volunteering yourself, or nominating somebody else.

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* 3. We plan to run a number of short, sharp presentations (10 mins) of new technology or services. These may come from new ‘start-ups’ or established players in the market. What new tech (or other services) are you aware of that would be good to show to travel buyers?

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* 4. Our plan is to run a number of interactive type sessions throughout the conference, but we want to ensure we get the balance right.  On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is your favorite and 1 your least favorite, please rate the following types of session

  5 Favorite 4 3 2 1 Least Favorite
Presentation – Main stage
Presentation - breakout
Panel discussion
Interactive Question & Answer Session
Interactive round-tables
Interactive ‘problem-solving’ workshop

Question Title

* 5. In case we need  to follow up with you for clarification or further information, please provide your:

Thanks for your support and we hope to see you at the event. As Australia’s biggest corporate travel networking event, we’re sure you will gain information and insights you can apply to your travel program.