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* Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States and Texas, where 1 in 3 children are considered to be overweight or obese. Early childhood is a critical time for obesity prevention. Children are developing taste preferences, learning to walk and play, and copying the healthy and unhealthy behaviors they see.

Early Care & Education (ECE) professionals are in a unique position to educate children and families about healthy eating and activity habits, and also to provide a healthy environment for children to EAT, PLAY, and GROW.

The goal of this Call to Action is to encourage ECE professionals to create environments where young
children have access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activity. Some specific actions are:
  • Develop NUTRITION POLICIES that support healthy eating
  • Develop PHYSICAL ACTIVITY POLICIES that support daily physical activity opportunities
  • Develop SCREEN TIME POLICIES that limit the amount of time children are exposed to screens.
  • Develop BREASTFEEDING POLICIES that support breastfeeding mothers
  • Develop/identify CURRICULUM and ACTIVITIES that encourage healthy eating and physical activity
  • Encourage staff to obtain TRAINING in nutrition and physical activity
  • Encourage staff to become HEALTHY ROLE MODELS
  • Participate in our EARLY CHILDHOOD ACTION TEAM to encourage obesity prevention in the early childhood community. Contact Katie Chennisi for more information at or 713-439-6067.
  • For more ideas, visit or sign up for our newsletter here
In working together to make sure that these opportunities exist, we are providing children with a greater likelihood to be at a healthy weight and prevent chronic diseases, as well as improve academic success and classroom behaviors. We hope that you fill out the boxes below and join us in committing to making a difference in the lives of the young children of Texas!

I endorse this CALL TO ACTION and commit to providing a healthier environment for the children that I serve.

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* I understand that printing my name in the comment box provided confirms that I acknowledge and agree to the stated commitment.