Electric Vehicle Charging
How often do you charge your electric car?
Every day
A few times a week
About once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
Other (please specify)
How do you make a decision to charge the vehicle? Please check all that apply:
The state of charge is critically low
The state of charge is about 50%
The state of charge might be high but I am near a charger
Whenever I remember to do so
Whenever I have a trip coming up
Whenever the vehicle smart phone application prompts me to
Other (please specify)
Is it difficult to decide when you should charge your car? Please select all that apply:
No, I don't really think about it
More or less, but not a huge burden
I do have to do more planning than I'd like to
Yes, I wish someone else could do all of the planning for me!
Other (please specify)
How has your electric bill changed since you bought an electric vehicle? Please select all that apply:
I haven't noticed or paid attention
I think it might have increased a little bit
It has increased by an acceptable amount
It has increased way too much
Other (please specify)
Are you trying to charge your car in a way that saves money? Please select all that apply:
Yes, I always look for cheaper public charging stations
Yes, I always try to charge when electricity is the cheapest (my utility has Time-Of-Use rates)
I might occasionally think about it but it's not a priority
I have never even thought about it
Not yet, but it would be good to have an easy way of doing that.
Other (please specify)
If you have solar panels at home, which of the following are true? Please select all that apply:
I don't have solar panels
I have solar panels and I try to use their energy to charge my car as much as possible
I have solar panels and I rarely try to use their energy to charge my car
I have solar panels and I don't pay attention to where their electricity goes.
Other (please specify)
How easy or challenging is it to charge your car with solar energy? Please select all that apply:
I don't have solar panels
I have a smart phone application that helps me manage and use my solar energy to the maximum
I have to do manual calculations to try to optimize my solar energy
I sometimes make a rough estimate to utilize the solar energy
I am not interested in using the solar energy for my electric car
I wish there was an easy way of streamlining my car and panels
Do you know what your carbon footprint of your vehicle is? Please select all that apply:
Yes, I can track that in a smart phone application I use
Yes, I occasionally estimate that myself
Yes, my utility gives me access to that data
No, I don't know
I would like to know how my charging behavior impacts my carbon footprint
What is the most significant obstacle to charging your electric vehicle? Please select all that apply:
Finding a charging station
Charge duration
Charging cost
Charging emissions (my footprint)
Inability to charge with solar energy
Not enough smart phone applications to help me charge in an intelligent way
It is too complex, time-consuming, and burdensome
Other (please specify)
What are some currently available solutions to the problems in question #9 that you use or have heard of? Please select all that apply:
Utility bills
Charging station smart phone applications
Solar panel smart phone applications
Electric car smart phone applications
Other (please specify)