Asia Media Centre workshop

The Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Asia Media Centre offers media training sessions as a way to help you deliver your research to a wider public audience through broadcast and print media.

Our full-day workshops bring together a mix of academics, subject matter experts and people who have stories to tell about Asia. We will provide you with an introduction to New Zealand media and to the Asia Media Centre, and will provide you with tips on working effectively with the media.

It’s a chance to build your confidence – to know what to expect when a journalist interviews you, to learn how to talk on camera confidently, and to present your ideas concisely and clearly in front of an audience. The training sessions are fully funded and catered by the Asia New Zealand Foundation and are a unique opportunity to set yourself apart as a media-savvy superstar in your field.

Training sessions are held up to three times a year across Aotearoa, in Wellington, Auckland, and Christchurch.

We are inviting expressions for training sessions throughout the year. This training is suitable for both those who have had previous media experience and wish to build on it, as well as beginners preparing for their first interview.

Our current scheduled workshops are now full, but please complete the following form if you are interested in attending in the future and we will be in touch when one is scheduled close to your location.

For any questions, please email with ‘Media training’ in the subject line.

Question Title

* 1. Your details:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation:

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* 4. Please tell us a bit about yourself. For instance, what is your area of expertise or what are your research interests?

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* 5. Highest academic qualification

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* 6. What are your research interests?

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* 7. Have you had any previous interactions with the media? If so, please provide some detail.