Please take a few moments to let us know what we are doing well and how we can better serve you. All survey respondents will receive a free one (1) day guest pass to the Nampa Recreation Center as well as a chance to win a one (1) year free individual membership. In order to be eligible to win, you must complete the entire survey and provide the information requested in Question 33.

Question Title

* 1. Using a scale ranging from very poor to excellent, please rate the City of Nampa as a place to live, work, play, and raise a family. Please include your perceptions of the quality of life, services, and overall feeling of safety in the City in your answers to the questions provided below.

  Very poor Poor Average Above Average Excellent No Opinion
Nampa as a place to live
Nampa as a place to work
Nampa as a place to raise a family
Nampa as a place to retire
Quality of life in Nampa
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Nampa
Overall feeling of safety in the City

Question Title

* 2. Using a scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree, please indicate your level of agreement with the statements provided below.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree No Opinion
The City of Nampa welcomes input from its citizens
The City of Nampa acts upon the input it receives from its citizens
The Mayors Office is accessible to the citizens of Nampa

Question Title

* 3. Using a scale ranging from very unsatisfied to very satisfied, please rate your overall level of satisfaction with major services provided by the City of Nampa.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Police safety services
Fire services to include emergency medical services
Solid waste services
Code enforcement services
Parks and recreation services
Public library services
Nampa Municipal Airport
Planning and Zoning services
City Clerk services
Building Department services
Family Justice Center services
Utility Billing services

Question Title

* 4. Have you requested services from the Nampa Police Department in the last 2 years?

Question Title

* 5. What kind of service did you request?

Question Title

* 6. Using a scale ranging from very unsatisfied to very satisfied, please indicate your level of satisfaction with police and law enforcement services provided by the City of Nampa

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Police Protection
How quickly police respond to emergencies
Enforcement of local traffic laws
Crime prevention

Question Title

* 7. If you were unsatisfied with any of the police safety services listed above, please name the service and describe why you were unsatisfied.

Question Title

* 8. Have you received Fire or Emergency Medical Services from the Nampa Fire Department during the last 2 years?

Question Title

* 9. What kind of service did you request?

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the fire services by the City Nampa.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Response time to emergencies
Fire prevention and education services
Ambulance/emergency medical services

Question Title

* 11. If you were unsatisfied with any of the fire and EMS services you recieved, please name the service and describe why you were unsatisfied.

Question Title

* 12. Using a scale ranging from very unsatisfied to very satisfied, please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services provided by the City of Nampa.

  Very Unsatisifed Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Condition of city streets
Construction of new sidewalks
Traffic signal timing
How quickly potholes are repaired
Efforts to keep streets clean in your neighborhood
Flood control
Quality of completed capital projects, which includes the completion of new city streets and buildings.
Outreach efforts related to keep the public informed about capital projects, which includes the completion of new city streets & buildings.

Question Title

* 13. Which THREE (3) of the transportation and capital improvements services listed below do you think are most important for the City to provide?

Question Title

* 14. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the public waste services provided by the City of Nampa.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Residential garbage collection
Residential recycling services
Curbside brush and bulky item pick-up/removal services

Question Title

* 15. How would you like to receive future utility billing/water/trash/recycling communications? Choose all that apply.

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the parks and recreation services provided by the City of Nampa.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Maintenance of City parks
Maintenance of City recreation centers
Accessibility of parks and related recreation facilities
Quality of recreational programs and classes
City swimming pools
Walking/biking trails in the City

Question Title

* 17. Which THREE (3) of those parks and recreation services do you think are most important for the City to provide?

Question Title

* 18. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the aviation services provided by the Nampa Municipal Airport.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied No Opinion
Aviation Services: The condition of facilities at the Nampa Airport
Aviation Services: The availability of parking at the Nampa Airport
Arts and Culture: Your experience with arts and culture in Nampa
Arts and Culture: How informed are you about arts and culture events happening in Nampa?
Other: Historic preservation efforts by the City
Other: Providing residents with information in English and Spanish
Other: The quality of services provided to disabled persons

Question Title

* 19. Please indicate the funding priorities you would like to see applied to each of the following services in the upcoming budget process.

  Decrease or Eliminate Slightly Decrease About the Same Priority Increase Significantly Increase No Opinion
Police Protection
Fire/EMS Services
Street Maintenance and New Sidewalks
Parks and Recreation Services
Code Compliance Enforcement
Library Services
Economic and Community Development Programs

Question Title

* 20. Which income level listed below best describes your household’s annual, pre-tax income.

Question Title

* 21. How many years have you lived in Nampa?

Question Title

* 22. Please check all that apply in best describing your ethnic and racial heritage/background.

Question Title

* 23. Which category listed below best describes your place of residence

Question Title

* 24. How many, if any, children ages 18 or under live in your household?

Question Title

* 25. How many, if any, senior citizens (65+) live in your household?

Question Title

* 26. How many, if any, persons with disabilities live in your household?

Question Title

* 27. Which of the following best describes your education:

Question Title

* 28. Which of the following best describes your employment status:

Question Title

* 29. By what method do you commute to work?

Question Title

* 30. Which of the following best describes your AGE?

Question Title

* 31. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 32. Before we end the survey, what do you feel the City could do to make the City of Nampa a more livable city in the future?

Question Title

* 33. If you would like to redeem your complimentary one (1) day pass to the Nampa Recreation Center as well as enter a chance to win a free one (1) year membership, please complete the information in the spaces provided below. You can pick up your complimentary pass at the Nampa Recreation Center front desk beginning on April 23rd, 2018. The drawing for the one (1) year individual membership will take place on April 23rd, 2018 at the Nampa Recreation Center. Participants do not need to be present to win. The winner will be notified via the contact information they provided.

This concludes the survey. Thank you for your time!