As an entitlement community, the City of Miami has received federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for decades to assist low- and moderate-income persons and neighborhoods. The City receives approximately $4.7 million in Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG) and $2.5 million in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds on an annual basis. The primary objectives of the CDBG program are to provide decent housing, a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities for low- to moderate-income persons. The primary goals of HOME funding is to build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or to provide direct rental assistance to low-income people.

As part of the acceptance of these funds, HUD rules require the City to develop a Consolidated Plan every five years, an effort undertaken by the City’s Department of Housing & Community Development. HUD encourages the lead entities preparing this Plan to consult with interested parties including agencies, groups, organizations, income-eligible persons and other interested parties. To that end, we are seeking the feedback of City of Miami residents through the following needs assessment survey. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes.  The results of these surveys along with input from community meetings will assist in determining priorities when allocating funding from the CDBG, HOME, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. Thank you for your participation and assistance with the Consolidated Plan 2019 – 2023. This survey is anonymous but if you would like to join our e-mail list, you can supply your e-mail address at the end of this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a City of Miami resident?