2024 Residents Survey, North East Hants Labour

1.Which of the following issues are important to you?
2.Tell us anything else you would like us to know or respond to. What could we do to improve things in this area?
3.Your name(Required.)
4.Your postcode(Required.)
5.Your email address, so we can respond to your issues
6.How likely are you to cast your vote on May 4th? (or before, if postal)
7.Which party do you plan on voting for in the local elections?
8.Thinking of voting for Labour? How likely is this on a scale from 1 (no chance) to 10 (absolutely certain).(Required.)
9.Promoted by Mike Mellor, 37 Avondale Road, Fleet, GU51 3BS on behalf of North East Hampshire Labour Party.
Thank you for completing this survey - we really appreciate your time.
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