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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Stacey mentioned that she was her class Valedictorian. What does that mean?

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* 3. Stacey had a life-changing moment at the guard gate to the Governor's mansion. Have you ever been told "you don't belong here" - or have you ever been made to feel like "you don't belong here"? Share your story.

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* 4. She said that she had some options after she lost the race for Governor. What did she choose to do?

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* 5. Before she begins any new adventure, she asks herself 3 important questions. What are they?

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* 6. She makes a strong statement, "do not allow setbacks to set you back." Has there been a time when you wanted to give up, not push through? Share an example.

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* 7. Jumping from the "what" to the "do" is meaningless if you don't know the ... (answer below)

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* 8. Which things sometimes hold us back from moving forward towards our goals?

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* 9. What are 3 personal goals you have for yourself?

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* 10. Choose one of the goals listed above and write the steps you will take to achieve your goal.