ELIXIR Communications strategy review - internal survey

The ELIXIR Hub is reviewing the ELIXIR Communications Strategy to evaluate current communications activities both within ELIXIR and externally to users and other stakeholders.

As part of the review, we would like to collect feedback from members of ELIXIR on different aspects of our Communications channels (newsletters, website, social media etc). Completing the survey should not take more than 10 minutes and will help us to ensure we provide you with the best communications support possible.

This survey is aimed solely at the ELIXIR internal community (i.e those involved in ELIXIR Nodes, members of ELIXIR Platforms and Use cases, those involved in EXCELERATE) and is anonymous.

For any questions, contact premysl.velek@elixir-europe.org

A separate survey targeted towards external users and stakeholders will be disseminated through ELIXIR's social media channels.
ELIXIR Communications in general

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe your role in ELIXIR and what are your communications needs?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate ELIXIR Communications presence overall?

ELIXIR Website

Question Title

* 3. Do you receive enough relevant information about what is happening in ELIXIR?

Question Title

* 4. Tell us what kind of information would be helpful for you

Question Title

* 5. What kind of information are not helpful to you?

Question Title

* 6. What communications channels do you find most helpful to keep track of what’s happening in ELIXIR? (The order of the options below is randomly assigned to each respondent and doesn't follow any particular order.)

Question Title

* 7. Why do you use the ELIXIR website?

Question Title

* 8. What kind of information are you missing on the ELIXIR website?

Question Title

* 9. When using the ELIXIR website, how easy was it to find what you wanted?

ELIXIR Newsletters

Question Title

* 10. How can the website promote better your activities

Question Title

* 11. Rate the ELIXIR website

Question Title

* 12. From the statements below, select the ones you agree with.

  Is too long Has the right amount of information Is too short N/A
ELIXIR weekly newsletter (Monday morning)
ELIXIR Heads of Node update (Friday afternoon)
ELIXIR industry update (sent quarterly)
ELIXIR Informed: External stakeholder newsletter (sent quarterly)

Question Title

* 13. From the statements below, select the ones you agree with.

  Is sent out too often Is sent out as frequently as I need Should be sent out more frequently N/A
ELIXIR weekly newsletter (Monday morning)
ELIXIR Heads of Node update (Friday afternoon)
ELIXIR industry update (sent quarterly)
ELIXIR Informed: External stakeholder newsletter (sent quarterly)

Question Title

* 14. Is there any type of information you are missing in any of the above Newsletters?

Question Title

* 15. If you don't receive any of the newsletters above, you can sign up to the ELIXIR External Newsletter and the ELIXIR Industry update directly:
If you want to sign up to the internal ELIXIR Weekly newsletter (sent out each Monday), contact us at sheena.lee@elixir-europe.org or type in your email address in the box below.

Question Title

* 16. Add any comments you may have on ELIXIR newsletters

ELIXIR Webinars

Question Title

* 17. ELIXIR Webinars - What types of ELIXIR webinars would be interesting to you?

Question Title

* 18. Apart from the topic, what would make you more likely to attend ELIXIR webinars

Question Title

* 19. Add any comments you may have on ELIXIR webinars

ELIXIR internal meetings

Question Title

* 20. ELIXIR Hub staff organises meetings and teleconferences that involve various ELIXIR members (e.g. EXCELERATE project meetings, Technical Coordinators meetings etc.). The following section will help us ensure they are effective and productive for all participants.

Do you agree with the following statements?

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
ELIXIR meetings are well-planned
ELIXIR meetings achieve planned objectives
ELIXIR meetings are effective and cover all agenda items
The outcomes of ELIXIR internal meetings are clear and actionable

Question Title

* 21. Based on your experience from previous meetings?

ELIXIR Handbook of Operations

Question Title

* 22. The ELIXIR Handbook of Operations is the main reference on ELIXIR procedures, recommendations and guidelines and is aimed for the whole ELIXIR community, including all staff in ELIXIR Nodes, ELIXIR Hub staff, ELIXIR Board members and national funders. (https://www.elixir-europe.org/intranet/handbook-operations).

Do you agree with the following?

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
I know where to find the latest version of the ELIXIR Handbook
Have you used the ELIXIR Handbook (at least once)?

Question Title

* 23. How should we improve the ELIXIR Handbook?

ELIXIR presentation slides

Question Title

* 24. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

The slide deck is available on Google drive and via the ELIXIR Intranet.

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
I know where to find the latest version of the ELIXIR slidedeck and the ELIXIR presentation template
The slides in the slidedeck are relevant to what I do
I need support from the Hub in preparing slides to present ELIXIR
Communications support

Question Title

* 25. What communications support and services would you find useful?

Question Title

* 26. Across ELIXIR as a whole and on a scale from one to four, how easy/difficult it is to find information about:

  1. Very easy 2. Easy 3. Neither easy nor difficult 4. Difficult 5. Very difficult
ELIXIR services
ELIXIR events
Activities in ELIXIR Platforms and Use Cases
Activities in ELIXIR Nodes
ELIXIR Implementation studies
ELIXIR Industry support
ELIXIR people / contacts
Presence at conferences

Question Title

* 27. ELIXIR sponsors and/or exhibits at several conferences per year. We want to make sure that we’re attending the right conferences and reach the right audiences.

In your opinion what are the top three most important conferences for ELIXIR to be at?

ELIXIR F1000 Research channel

Question Title

* 28. The ELIXIR F1000Research channel offers an open publication platform to all members of ELIXIR. Publications in the ELIXIR channel is free for all ELIXIR members (the Article Processing Fees are covered by the ELIXIR Hub). Is there anything ELIXIR Hub could do to make you more likely to publish in the channel?

Your final words

Question Title

* 29. Add any other final suggestions or comments you may have on ELIXIR Communications.