Churchill Hall Association future events survey

1.Thinking about the combined Annual Reuion Weekend Dinners that are open to all alumni how likely are you to attend a similar event again in the future?
2.If it were possible to stage a Churchill Hall dinner would you be more likely to attend
3.Holding more than one dinner increases staff costs so how much more would you be willing to pay for a specific Churchill Hall event
4.We have lost the use of The Holmes to stage the dinner so where should it be held
5.Thinking of alternatives we are keen to obtain your ideas on what would encourage your attendance.
6.What month of the year would work best for you
7.How much would you be willing to pay
8.Where would you prefer the event be held
9.Your reunion style preference
10.It would be helpfull to indicate you approximate age
11.The Churchill Hall Association is holding its Annual Meeting on Sunday 1st September at 9.45 am.
If you are not attending in person but would you like to attend by Zoom please provide you email address.
12.Would you like to be kept UpToDate on any future Churchill Hall Association events