2023 - Work Experience Participant Survey - WAGE

Thank you for offering your feedback on the program!  All responses will be used for program improvement.  Your answers and identity are confidential and will not be shared.  
1.First Name (your name will never be shared)(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.Email Address(Required.)
4.Your Worksite (the company or organization you worked for)(Required.)
5.Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience in the program?(Required.)
6.Would you be interested in participating in a program like this over the school year?(Required.)
7.Program Paperwork(Required.)
Very Difficult
Somewhat Difficult
Neither Easy or Difficult
Somewhat Easy
Very Easy
Was enrolling in the program easy or difficult?
Was completing the enrollment documentation easy or difficult?
Was signing up for the payroll systems easy or difficult?
Was entering your hours in the online payroll system easy or difficult?
8.Did you ever have issues getting paid on time?(Required.)
9.Overall, how satisfied were you with the business or organization you worked for?(Required.)
10.What did you like best about working at that business or organization?(Required.)
11.Is there anything the workplace could have done to make your work experience better?(Required.)
12.Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about your workplace supervisor:(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
My supervisor helped me understand the mission of the business I worked for.
My supervisor did a good job training me to do my job.
My supervisor supported a positive work environment.
My supervisor gave me suggestions on what I could do to improve my work performance.
My supervisor was able to answer my questions in a helpful way.
My supervisory complimented or recognized me for my best work.
13.Please indicate to which extent you agree with the following statements about your Coach (job coach)?
Strongly disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
My Job Coach was easy to get a hold of and got back to me in a timely manner.
My Job Coach helped me with bus passes and work clothing when I asked.
My Job Coach discussed the position and the match with my skills/interests prior to assigning me to the position.
My Job Coach helped support me in being successful at the business I worked for.
14.Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about your experience(Required.)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
I could have found my own job.
I would recommend the program to a friend.
Career Labs helped me to understand the importance of essential workplace skills.
15.Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about your personal development:(Required.)
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
The assigned tasks were helpful in my development and learning.
My job placement provided an opportunity to develop my communication skills.
My job placement provided an opportunity to develop my critical thinking/problem solving skills.
My job placement provided an opportunity to develop my technology skills.
I learned new skills in my summer job that I will use in future education or employment.
16.What did you like best about the program?(Required.)
17.What did you like least about the program?(Required.)
18.Do you have any suggestions on how we could make the program better in future years?(Required.)
19.Are you interested in getting help finding work over the rest of the year?(Required.)
20.What is the highest level of education you have completed?(Required.)
21.Would you be interested in taking a free training during the fall (in healthcare, construction, information technology/IT, manufacturing) in order to get a career-focused job in the winter?(Required.)
22.We are actively working on building more opportunities for people with the life experiences listed below. Do any of them apply to you? Please choose all that apply.
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered