My Money Workshop Post Survey

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* 1. Date


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* 2. Contact Information

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* 3. How likely are you to create a plan/budget for what you spend each month?

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* 4. How likely are you to open a bank account?

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* 5. How likely are you to open an investment account?

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* 6. How much will you try to save each month?

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* 7. Assuming you have debt, how likely would you be to pay it down each month?

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* 8. How helpful was this class in helping you understand how to manage your money?

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* 9. How much has your confidence in managing your long-term financial stability increased as a result of this class?

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* 10. How effective were the materials in the topics covered?

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* 11. How effective was the teacher?

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* 12. Would you recommend this class?

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* 13. Is there something that was not covered in today's workshop that you wish had been covered? Please share your contact information if you would be willing to have us follow up by email. We will never sell your information or send spam.