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The aim of this survey is to help paint an accurate picture of the impact of the pandemic on the nonprofit sector in Alberta. The invaluable input of survey respondents allows CCVO to advocate for specific policy ideas on behalf of the sector. 

Deadline for submission: Friday, July 29

The survey will be supplemented with data and perspectives gathered from interviews conducted with nonprofit leaders across Alberta. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience.

Responses to the survey will not be traced back to the respondent and any personally identifiable information is not captured, unless voluntarily offered in any of the comment fields.

CCVO looks forward to sharing the results this fall!

Question Title

* 5. Based on a review of the literature, organizations have experienced various impacts (mostly negative and some positive) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Please select all the negative impacts that apply to your organization from the list below. Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. Based on a review of the literature, organizations have experienced various impacts (mostly negative and some positive) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Please select all the positive impacts that apply to your organization from the list below.

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* 7. In addition to the impacts, the literature revealed that many organizations have specific concerns for the future. Please select all that apply to your organization from the list below.

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* 8. What operational investments are needed for your organization moving forward? Click all that apply

Question Title

* 9. What supports are needed for the nonprofit sector moving forward? Check all that apply

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! Your responses are instrumental in helping us create an accurate picture of the impact the pandemic has had on the nonprofit sector in Alberta and advocate for better support of the sector. A report on this survey's findings will be released in the fall.

Responses to the survey will not be traced back to the respondent and any personally identifiable information is not captured, unless voluntarily offered in any of the comment fields.

Question Title

* 10. To be entered into the draw for an annual adult Parks Canada Discovery Pass, put your contact info below: 

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