Question Title

* 1. How strongly do you agree with each of the following statements?  Denton Public Library facilities, services, and staff...

  Disagree Neither Agree Don't know
Improve the quality of my community
Are likely to be used by me in the next year
Are a good value for the tax dollar
Are personally relevant to me
Are meeting the needs of my community

Question Title

* 2. Vision identifies what the library should aspire to be and provides direction and a sense of purpose for what the library does.  What words or phrases best describe your vision for the Denton Public Library?

Question Title

* 3. Values are the important principles that drive the library and clarify what is important for the library.  What values are most important to you in a public library?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the importance of the following  library uses in serving the Denton community.

  Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important
Be an informed citizen (local, national, and world affairs)
Build successful enterprises (business & non-profit support)
Celebrate diversity (cultural awareness)
Connect to the online world (public Internet access)
Discover your roots (genealogy and local history)
Express creativity-create and share original content (print, video, audio, or visual)
Get facts fast (ready reference)
Know your community (community resources, events, and services)
Learn to read and write
Make career choices (job and career development)
Satisfy curiosity (lifelong learning)
Stimulate imagination (reading, viewing, and listening for pleasure)
Succeed in school (homework help)
Understand how to find, evaluate, and use information (information fluency)
Visit a comfortable place (physical and virtual spaces)
Welcome to the United States (services for new immigrants)

Question Title

* 5. What new or expanded services would you like to see at the Library?

Question Title

* 6. Where would you like to see Denton Public Library focus its investments?  Please rank the resources and services below from highest priority (1) to lowest priority (11)