This is a quick 5 minute survey about your experience of receiving a World Book Night book as a gift. *Please only complete if you were the recipient of a book, rather than someone who gave out books.*

Your response will be confidential and at the end of the survey you can enter a prize draw to win one of three £15 book vouchers. To have a chance to win you need to complete the survey by 14 June 2019 - but you can still answer the survey after this date until 28 June. Your answers will help us make World Book Night even better for future years. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. 

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following best describes your experience of reading the books? Tick all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
I was pleased to receive the book
I am interested in the book
I have enjoyed/am enjoying reading the book
I would like to read more by this author
I would like to read more books of this genre

Question Title

* 4. Thinking back to before you received the World Book Night book, how often would you say that you normally read for pleasure in your spare time (not for work or formal education)? Reading can include books, blogs, newspapers, magazines and online.

Question Title

* 5. Do you do any of these activities more or less often as a result of receiving your book?

  A lot more A bit more About the same A bit less A lot less  N/A
Read for pleasure (include books, blogs, newspapers, magazines and online)
Borrow books from the library
Buy books 
Talk to other people about books 
Recommend books to others

Question Title

* 6. We would love to hear what you think about World Book Night and how being given a book made you feel. If you have any comments to share with us please write them in the box below.