the 2022-2023 Stewardship Campaign

We Appreciate You!  Thanks for using the online stewardship campaign system.

NOTE: If you need to revise your financial commitment later, please contact the church treasurer at
The pledge you are making starts on July 1, 2022 and continued through June 30, 2023.  Thanks for sharing in supporting Red River Unitarian Universalists.  Together for another year, Believing We Can!
1.Total amount of your pledge(Required.)
2.How often do you wish make your pledge payments(Required.)
3.Are you planning to use your bank's free Bill Pay option to have your checks sent to the church (PO BOX 1806, DENISON TX 75021-1806).(Required.)
4.Who are you?  (First and Last name)(Required.)
5.Contact phone number(Required.)
6.Email address(Required.)
7.Is this an individual or a family pledge?(Required.)
8.If this is a family plan, please list the name of the second person making the pledge
9.By typing city and state/province you were born in, you are verifying that you are the person submitting this pledge.(Required.)
10.Comments? Ideas? Suggestions? Regrets?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered