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The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (Board) would like to request your assistance in assessing the customer service you received.  We appreciate your time and input.

For each of the following questions, please select the answer which most clearly reflects your response.   You will have the opportunity at the end of the survey to make any comments.  Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. My contact was primarily with:

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* 2. How satisfied are you with the agency’s facilities, including your ability to access the agency, the office location, signs, and cleanliness?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with agency staff, including employee courtesy, friendliness, and knowledgeability, and whether staff members adequately identify themselves to customers by name, including the use of name plates or tags for accountability if applicable?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with agency communications, including toll-free telephone access, the average time you spend on hold, call transfers, access to a live person, letters, electronic mail, and any applicable text messaging or mobile applications?

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the agency's Internet site, including the ease of use of the site, mobile access to the site, information on the location of the site and the agency, and information accessible through the site such as a listing of services and programs and whom to contact for further information or to complain?

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* 6. How satisfied are you with the agency's complaint handling process, including whether it is easy to file a complaint and whether responses are timely?

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* 7. How satisfied are you with the agency's ability to timely serve you, including the amount of time you wait for service in person if applicable?

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* 8. How satisfied are you with any agency brochures or other printed information, including the accuracy of that information?

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* 9. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the agency.

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* 10. Please add any comments or suggestions below:

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* 11. If you would like Board staff to contact you regarding any comment above, please provide the following information:

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