Volunteer Survey 2023-2024

Volunteer Survey 2023-2024

We would love to find out why you volunteer and why you may not be volunteering! With a downturn in volunteering across Australia we are doing some research in our small community to find out if there are trends that we can then use to change how we promote volunteering.
4.Are you a First Nations Person? 
5.Were you born in Australia?
6.If NO, what year did you arrive in Australia?
7.Do you volunteer?
8.What kind of organisation do you volunteer at?
9.People volunteer for many reasons, what are the reasons you volunteer? (select all that apply)
10.What type of volunteer are you?
11.Approximately how many hours of volunteering would you do in one week?
12.How much do you enjoy volunteering on this scale - with 1 as highest and 5 as lowest
I LOVE volunteering! 
Not at all!
13.Does the organisation you volunteer at need any improvement in being inclusive and welcoming to all kinds of volunteers? If yes what should they do?
14.IF NO (I don't volunteer) please answer Questions 14-20:

What stops you from volunteering?
15.What do you think would attract you and benefit you from volunteering?
16.If you were to begin volunteering what support do you think you would need at the organisation?
17.Realistically how many hours a week do you have available to volunteer?
18.What kind of volunteer position would you be interested in doing? What skills or knowledge do you have to share?
19.How do you usually find out about what’s going on in your community?
20.What support do you think you would need to find the right position for you?