Virtual Trainer of Trainer Workshops: Resilience Building for Small Farmers

The Caribbean Policy Development Centre ( CPDC) with support from the Inter-American Foundation ( IAF) and CCRIF SPC is implementing a project titled " Promoting the Sustainability of Small Farming Operations in the Eastern Caribbean.
The project is offering scholarships to individuals to pursue a Virtual Trainer of Trainer Workshop on Disaster Risk Mitigation and Resilience Building for Small Farmers. The training will cover areas such as Sustainable Agricultural  Practices, Managing Drought, Managing Extreme Rainfall Events, Post Disaster Recovery, and Confronting Climate Change.
Individuals from the project countries of Dominica, Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines who have experience in agriculture (supervision and/or practicing), provide technical support to sustainable farming practices, and farming innovators are encouraged to apply.
1.Name of applicant
3.What is your full address?
4.What is your telephone number ( Please include both landline and mobile)?
5.What is your email address?
6.Do you interact directly with small farmers?
7.What is your main role in the farming sector?
8.Do you have personal experience in sustainable farming?
9.How would this training be useful to you?(Required.)
10.How many hours per day can you comfortably spend at a virtual workshop?(Required.)
11.Would you be willing to share the knowledge from the workshop with others?