Essential criteria
Applicants must:
◾Be a current member of NAWIC Qld who is actively working in the building and construction industry within Queensland
◾Reside in Queensland
◾Be eligible to meet the AICD membership requirements
◾Commit to attending the full five-day course in Brisbane within the 12 months period following awarding of the scholarship – dates will be agreed with the successful applicant
◾Willing to be profiled by NAWIC, QBCC and AICD after completing the program which may used to promote the course and sponsorship on social media channels, website, magazine or other formats
◾Provide a written testimonial as to the benefits and value of the scholarship to QBCC upon completion of the course
◾Have the support of their organisation as shown by a letter on company letterhead (not required to be submitted with the application – this will be requested if required)
◾Commit to completing the assessment requirements of the course.