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Project brief

Expressions of interest are being sought from host landholders and renewable energy proponents to participate in the QLD Renewable Energy Landholder toolkit project which we are developing in partnership with the Department of Energy and Public Works.

The project will provide a landholder toolkit/guide with the aim to upskill and assist landholders in being better equipped in responding to and negotiating approaches from energy industry representatives about accessing land for renewable energy projects.

To participate, please complete your details below. 
How will we treat your responses and information?

We will keep your contact details confidentially so that we can contact you about the project.

We will use your feedback to help develop the landholder toolkit.  We will keep your feedback confidential, but we may quote your responses.  If we do, we will not attribute them to you unless we have your permission to do so.  For example we might say “A landholder said …. “

We will invite you to any other consultations about the project including webinars.  Once the project is completed, we will delete your contact information unless you would like to continue to receive the Energy Savers News.

Question Title

* 1. Pick the option that better describes you

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